Squaircle is a fitness company based in Beijing, , official name is called CrossFit Squaircle. The name Squaircle is drawn from Square + Circle, an ancient name for boxing ring. Therefore, they offer an array of combat sporting classes include Boxing, Muay Thai, and Brazilian Jit Jitsu.
The name Squaircle is drawn from Square + Circle, an ancient name for boxing ring. When a physical fight between two opponents took place within a roughly drawn circle on the ground. Also, viewers gathered around the two fighters in a roughly circular manner, forming a ‘ring’ of spectators.
Morden + Ancient + Diverse Fitness = Square + Circle + Out of the box
Category: Branding | Design: Logo, Apparel, Poster
Timeline: 3 months
Apparel Design
Design two type of uniform for members and coach, both T-shirt and Hoodies. created a brand related graphics with slogan ” Squaircle Empower Wellness”
Coach T-shirt and Hoodies
Symbolism: Squaircle abstract pattern + type of sports: Performance, Boxing, Mixed martial arts and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
Members T-shirt and Hoodies + Caps
Squaircle + Bold graphics slogan of ” Squaircle Empower Wellness”
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